

問題來囉!! 請問1~這是什麼? 2~媽媽常常要我們用這個來做什麼?
答案是: 1-米酒瓶鐵蓋 2-做錯事時~~罰跪用的


從小到大~~為我把屎把尿 照顧無微不至~~~我母親
從小到大~~天天苦口婆心 對我耳提面命~~~我母親

她~~不識字(可是對我們的功課/成績卻是相當嚴格~標準100 少一分不行)
她~~很勤勞(從小工作到現在仍然不停習~我們三姐弟都大了 她可以享福了)
她~~很節儉(衣服穿破了縫縫又補補捨不得丟 食物絕不浪費 一分一豪都節省)
她~~很嚴格(猶記從小到大只要犯錯~就要拿米酒鐵蓋~來跪 可是我們不怪媽)

因為我知道~ 媽媽是在教我們
她教我們如何尊師重道~敬愛長輩 教導晚輩


媽媽我愛你~~ 我 永 遠 愛 你 你是我的驕傲

我也會做好我自己 讓你為我感到驕傲


Once upon a time there was an old man. He was very old and his eyes could not see very well. His hands and legs were shaking all the time, so he couldn’t sit and walk very well, either. When the old man ate his food, his hands shook so much that he spilled his soup all the time. His grandson always cleaned up the floor for him.
But the old man’s son and his son’s wife were not happy at all. They didn’t want to eat with the old man, so they asked him to sit outside when he ate. This way he would not spill the soup on the floor in their house.
One day, the old man dropped his bowl and it broke into pieces on the ground. His grandson gave the old man his own bowl and cleaned up the pieces. However, the couple were very angry. “From now on,’’ they said to the old man with a smile, “you’ll use this wooden bowl. It will never break.”
The next day, the grandson took a piece of wood and began to carve it. His parents asked him what he was doing. He answered them with a smile,
“I’m carving the bowls for both of you. You’ll need them when you are as old as Grandpa.”
The man and his wife burst into tears with deep regret. They gave the old man a comfortable chair at the table and a good bowl. And they never complained again when he spilled his soup.

很感人的一篇故事喔~~ 大意是

很久以前有一個老人, 他非常老了而且眼睛看的不是很清楚. 他的手腳時常發抖, 當他在吃東西時,由於他的手抖的厲害而導致湯時常灑潑出來. 他的孫子總是會幫他整理. 然而他的兒子和媳婦卻非常不高興, 她們不想和老人一起吃飯,所以當老人吃飯時,她們要他端到門外吃 . 這樣一來他潑灑出來的湯就不會掉在屋內的地板上了.

有一天老人把他的碗打破了, 他的孫子把自己的碗給他, 並且幫他把地上的碎玻璃清理. 然而, 這對夫妻卻非常生氣. 冷笑著說: [ 從現在開始,你就始用木碗,這樣就不會在打破了. ]

隔天, 這孫子拿來了一塊木塊開始刻/挖, 他的父母問他為什麼要這樣做? 他微笑的說:[ 我在幫您們兩個做碗啊! 當你們和爺爺一樣老的時候, 就會需要了. ]

男人和老婆頓時痛哭, 她們給了老人一張舒適的椅子和碗筷. 而且當老人掉食物潑灑湯時他們不再抱怨了.

andyc. 好麻吉 推薦的影片
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfToKyt3wpI 這部短片跟您的英文故事很搭 ^_^

言教不如身教 在現今的教育中 究竟有多少問題??

是來自於學校教育?? 還是 家庭教育??


我想這是我媽媽交給我的傳家寶之一 ...你父母給了你什麼傳家寶??